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Freedom Vapor Barrier logo

Freedom Vapor Barrier recognizes that damage to vapor Barrier is one of the top mobile home problems for Floridians. We are here to protect your home from harm through our dependable service. Our team of seasoned professionals will come out and inspect your mobile home's vapor barrier and underbelly to check for any tears or damage caused by humidity and moisture. Freedom Vapor Barrier has a lifetime guarantee, promising quality and reliability in our service and materials. Our free and no-obligation estimates include providing under home pictures to assure you we are a dependable choice.

We Care About Your Health and Mobile Home

Your health is a priority, and preventative precautions can be taken with Freedom Vapor Barrier. Mildew and mold are the top dangers that are associated with damages to your mobile home's vapor barrier. But how did we get here? It's possible holes and tears to the vapor barrier may have seeped into your insulation, letting moisture in and causing mildew and mold to grow. A combination of time and weather is also a factor to think about. With the help of Freedom Vapor Barrier, this problem is an easy fix!